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이슬기학생의 영어연수후기

게시물 등록정보
작성자 BEST 등록일 2011-09-12 조회수 667



Lee Seul Gi(christina)
i study subjects that are side by side, reading, listening, grammer and conversation.
philippines is an exiting place. teachers are very kind.
teathers are helpful to us. philippines has delicious foods.
specially, i like mango. i stay in a room with sandy and daisy.
the room is comfortable. but it has many insects: lizard, ant, eatchworm. and in the
bathroom. there is only little ater coming out from the shower.
being the lastest, i went to sm and ayala.
i bought snacks, drinks, and chocolate. shopping is very fun.
i eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. the foods are not so bad, but sanitation dinner.
the foods are not so bad. i meet friends that are good. i play
with my friends. who are very funny. and teachers are very funny too.
roommate teacher is very kind. when i ask my teacher they answer kindly.
i think this camp is a good experience. this camp helps me to learn english very well.
at the beginning he room was very difficult. but l've already adapleul in my room.
if i come this place again, i want to come again. learning lessons with teachers is very fun. and playing with friends too.
really i like phillippines.
i like teachers and friends.


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