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황보준희학생의 영어연수후기

게시물 등록정보
작성자 BEST 등록일 2011-09-12 조회수 861



I'm in the philippines because went here because I want to study English I do experience
I'm the only person live in the philippines.we go togeter to sm to have shopping expeirence.mother want to have experience in the philippines. like taking water slide,go
to swimming pool,golf experience.sM at confectionery,drinking water,eat at Mcdonald's
with chicken,spaghettiandend shopping.MoM's future,father's future,bother's  future,sister's future went to buy mango for MOM,T-shirt for father,pencil for my bother
,and sharp and doll for my sister.In korea,before go to school my birthday is on August
2,2011 at that time,cake,fruit juice and mango are served.the foods are delicious.My 
birthday time was good.next bithday time estivation chocolate confectionery.confection
ery is pungent mother was notyet measured my father's T-shirt to korea.philippines has
aninsectsand mosquitos but its good that it will be killed.In korea,live time is slow,
philippinesiI live time is fast.philippine's confection ery is special.It is special
because in korea,it is said to be nice translated poem in philippines rather than korea
is good.Lately,many experienced people study hard practice.I want to see my mother soup
for me to eat and we play with my father in soccer that I wish.


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