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정세윤학생의 영어연수후기

게시물 등록정보
작성자 BEST 등록일 2011-09-12 조회수 920



<My story of English camp>
First I came here,I missed my family and I wanted to go back to korea. but when I was studying 
English with Filipino teachers.it's very fun and Filipino teachers are very kind and funny. so 
I like studying with Filipino teachers, but when I got up 7:00am it was hard to get up first.and 
first time it was very hard and I wanted to see my family, but on weekends. we went to SM department store,
and alaya department store. it's very nice place. I think philippine department store. and Imparial
palace is also very nice and fantastic. it's very nice, and Filipino poeple are very kind. so I
like philippines. before, I came here , I was very shy, so I didn't speak well. but shen I came to
philippines, I can talk with teachers very much. I think Filipino teachers are very kind and 
comfortable. so I like Filipino teachers. I came here, I always write English diary and voca, sentence test.
I think it's very useful for me. four weeks is little short time, but I havemany good memories with teachers.
and philippines, and I think it's very nice place to learn English . so I want to come here again if I can.
and when I came here, I knew many brothers and sisters. I like philippines very much.


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