my name is LimEunBeom when i arrived in philppines it was very confusing but i was adapting to it i feel comfotable. we alsways wake up early in the morning because it is our rule. here,it is clean so i feel refreshed and we gain friend ship and study english we study hard brcause it is part on the camp but here, camp is teacher are very kind,smart and funny. also,i study here.staying here is. regular life and here, camp has many other study rooms and airconditioners. so we study and we feel comfortable and here, camp workers are very kind and also, here camp has swimming place so if we feel tired, we can play swimming and table tennis. it is my first time i to came to philppines. i think philppines is hot. but it is misunderstood because here camp is cool. Andals, here we study math so if i go to school, i do not drop a result and my favorite teacher is teacher AlZo and teacher EnZo because funny and kind