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민선홍학생의 영어연수후기

게시물 등록정보
작성자 BEST 등록일 2011-03-07 조회수 801


<My story of English camp>  -Daniel  -Min Sunhong

Well, I was nervous when I first came here in bestuhaknet. Because I went to many other camps to the place that's not far from my school. But this time, I go to other country to study two months. I was nervous.... But when I was in the airplane, I also talked with other friends. I hated bugs very much!! But when 3 eeks pass, I was not afraid of bugs anymore. But I still hate them. And if you come here, you will feel like you are a robot. But it's also good. Because the skills in English like Grammar, listening, reading and speaking. My room mates are Jack and Alex. They are very kind. If you first come here, you will think that this place is very hard to stay and boring, but when days pass, you will be faster and sometimes, you will enjoy your days. The days are very fast here. It's like a day is a minute. It's very fast. So if you study, and enjoy by playing and talking, time will go very fast and you can enjoy a lot. You will have many friends. And I went to Marcopolo Hotel buffet, we played with friedns and enjoyed a lot. I also went to Blue Jazz. It's near the ocean and it's a very good place. And we went to a very deep pool called Water Front. It's really deep!! IT's like 2 floors!!
We always enjoy our activity days, because we see English movies or go to shopping malls. You can buy many snacks there. There will be many hard things to do, but sometimes, you will enjoy a lot.


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